Distinguishing interaction and integration between different disciplines related to both engineering and life sciences, high levels of specialization, strong dynamic context, active participation to innovative scientific research projects, intense push for internationalization, constant relationships with Industry and support for new entrepreneurship: “Technology for Health” is a three-year Ph.D. program with the aim of forming – through a profoundly interdisciplinary approach – professionals able to develop innovative ideas with high technological content and frontier projects with immediate effects on the Health of the person in its entirety and in relation with the Environment he lives in.
Course Duration: 3 years
National university committee (CUN) areas: 03 – Chemistry; 05 – Biology; 06 – Medicine; 09 – Industrial and Information Engineering
Location: Dept. of Information Engineering
Departments involved: Dept. of Information Engineering; Dept. of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering; Dept. of Molecular and Traslational Medicine; Dept. of Medical and Surgical Specialities, Radiological Sciences and Public Health; Dept. of Clinical and Experimental Sciences
Coordinator: Prof. Mauro Serpelloni (Department of Information Engineering)
Eligible students: all kind of Master of Science (MSc) degree curricula or equivalents (at least five year course curriculum at University level ) can be eligible. Graduate students can have different backgrounds like medical doctors, engineers, physical scientists, biologists, chemists, biotechnologists