We inform you that, as part of the PhD Program in Information Engineering (DRII), a seminar entitled: Compressive Processing – Current Trends and Advanced Applications in Signal Processing will be held online on February 9th,
Dear PhD Students, hereinafter there is a list of all the courses in “Mathematics” to be held in 2021 as part of the “Mathematical Methods and Models for Engineering” curriculum activated within DICACIM PhD program
With great pleasure, we announce that Giampiero Sorrentino, one of our XXXVI cycle PhD students supervised by prof. Elza Bontempi, has published a work in collaboration with ENEA, which has been chosen as the issue
On Thursday November 19th, 2020 from 9:00 to 12:00, PhD students of the XXXIV and XXXV cycles will present their annual activity. All the presentations will be held online.
On Thursday November 19th, 2020 from 9:00 to 11:00, PhD students of the XXXIII cycle will present their final activity report. All the presentations will be held online.
Dear all,Now online the call for the 2020 GNB Master Degree and PhD awards. Further info in the links below:https://www.grupponazionalebioingegneria.it/it/call/bando-premi-gnb-2020/https://premi.grupponazionalebioingegneria.it/ The deadline is 31 May 2020.
Dear all, on Thursday, April 30th 2020 at 3:00 PM, there will be the annual presentation of our PhD student Paolo Mosna, for his admission to the third year. Paolo will present his work “Integrated
Dear all, due to the current sanitary emergency, the course “Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations” by Prof. Paola Gervasio, which was due to start on March, 9th, has been postponed to a future, yet
From 22 to 26 june 2020, Dr. Prof. Renato Lo Cigno (University of Brescia) will hold a course entitled “Vehicular Networks and Cooperative Driving” for the PhD program in Technology for Health.
From 23 to 27 march 2020, Dr. Prof. Renato Lo Cigno (University of Brescia) will hold a course entitled “Stochastic Processes and Performance Modeling” for the PhD program in Technology for Health.