Congratulations on your admission! As a new PhD student there are some things you MUST do before starting your new adventure.
After you received your institutional e-mail address (e.g. you should make a few clicks and keystrokes to get all the things started:
- Create an account on the MUR website (Italian Ministry of University and Research). Once your registration is completed, click on the ORCID button on the left side of the website and follow the instructions to receive a univocal ORCID ID. Then, connect your ORCID ID with your MUR account
- Create a public profile on Google Scholar to allow an automatically updated publication list. Do not forget to select “make my profile public”
- Fill in this form in order to allow the creation of your personal PhD student page inside this website
The boring stuff is over, now enjoy your PhD activity and publish, print, disseminate and remember that “Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought” (Albert Szent-Gyorgyi)